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Book Review: Girl, Repurposed

Humor flavors: Clever and witty, sparse pop-culture references, creative cursing, enjoyable turn of phrase

Writing style: 6/5

Story tightness: 3/5

Character likability: 4/5

Girl: Repurposed tells the tale of Tranquila Obiit, a feisty young New Yorker who’s about to climb the corporate ladder straight into Hades. 

I haven’t enjoyed reading a book this much in a long time! The writing is on point and polished. Clever, but never trying too hard. It feels naturally funny. The premise is unique and interesting, subverting tropes and flipping expectations on every page. 

One of my biggest gripes with books is the apparent inability of modern authors to write a sentence that, on its own, holds my attention and each sentence of Girl: Repurposed does just that. Finally, a book written with intention! If I had one wish, it would be that the book was longer, I didn’t want it to end!

The story is enjoyable and interesting, and it is paced well, but the climax feels a bit lack-luster. I honestly don’t mind, personally, because to me story is secondary to writing quality, but readers who care more about an engaging story than amazing prose might find it a bit off. 

The characters are wholly unique and fascinating, they work well in their worlds and their characterization is very clear, I just didn’t really fall in love with any of the characters. Charon was perhaps the most likable for me. They all support the story perfectly, though! 

Overall, this is a book I will certainly be re-reading in the future and Meaghan Curley is definitely an author I will be following! I just can’t get enough of this style! 

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